Executive Summary
The Austrian-Italian project consortium, consisting of E-Control (project lead), the Austrian Energy Agency, the Environmental Agency Austria, the Federal Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism together with its Italian junior partner EURAC research was awarded for the implementation of this project by the end of 2018. The project implementation started on 1 March 2019.
The main target of the project is to increase the overall share of energy from renewable energy sources in Ukraine’s gross final energy consumption and to strengthen the capacity of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) and other relevant stakeholders in implementing the national policy and legislation in the area of renewable energy.
The project aims to ensure that the development of energy production from renewable energy sources is conducted in line with the relevant EU acquis by further harmonizing the Ukrainian legislation with EU legislation and by providing assistance on the implementation and development of Ukraine’s plans on energy from renewable sources. The availability of information on renewables and its benefits as well as public access to this information should be developed and improved.

European Union

Dietmar Preinstorfer
Wolfram Sparber
Sergiy Savchuk
Ulrike Giera
Yurii Shafarenko
Olena Lenska
Oleksandr Syzonenko
Tetiana Muntian
Public Relations
Kick-off Conference
On Monday, 20 May 2019, the public and press were invited to attend the Kick-Off conference of the EU-funded Twinning Project “Strengthening capacity of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine (SAEE) in the development of energy production from renewable energy sources, production and use of alternative fuels”.
The project grant is 1 Mio EUR. During the 15-month implementation period, the Austrian-Italian project consortium will assist SAEE and other stakeholders on the further development of renewables in Ukraine. The Twinning project is implemented by the Austrian Energy Regulator E-Control, the Austrian Energy Agency, the Environmental Agency Austria, the Austrian Ministry of Sustainability and Tourism and the Italian institute EURAC Research in partnership with SAEE
Mr Florian Kohlfürst, Deputy Head of Mission of the Austrian embassy, and Mr Joel Melchiori, Counsellor of the Italian embassy, opened the conference. Both stressed the important role of renewables for sustainable development and Austria and Italy’s readiness to support Ukraine on this way. Ms Ruta Baltause, Support Group for Ukraine of the European Commission, was confident that this Twinning project will bring in-depth expertise to Ukraine.
Mr Sergiy Savchuk, Head of the State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine, gave an insight on the dynamic development of renewables in Ukraine during the last years. In his presentation Mr Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, Executive Director of E-Control, spoke about the newest developments on renewables under the Clean Energy Package and the challenges ahead. Mr Wolfram Sparber, Head of Institute for Renewable Energy EURAC research, presented a variety of measures implemented in Italy to increase renewables and energy efficiency.
In the last part of the kick-off conference the content of the Twinning project was presented by Olena Lenskay, RTA Counterpart, and the three component leaders Harald Proidl, Günter Pauritsch and Johannes Mayer. An overview on the objectives and content was given as well as an outlook on the expected results.
Closure Conference
On 7 July 2020, the Twinning project was officially closed. The Closure Conference was organized remotely via Zoom.
The Austrian Ambassador Mr Gernot Pfandler and the Italian Ambassador Mr Davide La Cecilia opened the conference. In their statements they emphasized the importance of such Twinning projects which provide a great tool for cooperation and thanked the project partners for the successful implementation of this project. Both countries rely on vast experience related to the development of RES which could be successfully shared with Ukraine. Mr Baur, Head of Operations Section 3 „Economic cooperation, energy, infrastructure and environment“ of the EU Delegation stressed the important role of renewables for sustainable development. Renewables should become also a success story in Ukraine which still depends on some decisions to be made by Ukraine.
The first part of the Conference dealt with the European Green Deal and its role for the energy transition from a global, EU and national level. As first speaker Mr Gurbuz Gonul, Director, Country Engagement and Partnerships, IRENA, gave an overview on the global developments of renewables and their social economic benefits. Mr Hans van Steen, Acting Director, Renewables, Research and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, European Commission, explained the implications and consequences of the European Green Deal for Ukraine. Mr Jaroslav Demchenkov, Deputy Minister of Energy on European Integration of Ukraine, spoke about the role of renewables in Ukraine’s energy transition. In his presentation Mr Wolfgang Urbantschitsch, Executive Director of E-Control, gave an insight in the challenges of the energy transition for EU Member States. Mr Wolfram Sparber, Head of Institute for Renewable Energy EURAC research, presented economic opportunities of the energy transition from a Member State’s perspective.
The second part of the conference was dedicated to the project activities and results. The BC PL and the CL gave an insight in the achievements of the project and highlighted recommendations for the further development of RES in Ukraine.
More than 90 participants from Ukraine and EU Member States took part in the Conference.